How far will we go?



November 8th - Panelist. “Author Roundtable.” STS Department Seminar Series, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Roanoke, VA).

October 11th - Speaker. “Stars Over Star City Series Presents: An Evening with Savannah Mandel.” The Eye Planetarium at the Science Museum of Western Virginia (Roanoke, VA).

October 3rd - Speaker. “Anthropology in Outer Space.” Virginia Western Community College (Roanoke, VA).

October 1st - Guest. “Savannah Mandel.” WICN Radio (Available Online).

September 22nd - Speaker. “Book Signing and Meet and Greet.” Hosted by The Lynx (Gainesville, FL)

September 20th - Speaker. “Book Signing and Meet and Greet.” Hosted by Bookstore1 (Sarasota, FL)

September 8th - Speaker. “Book Signing and Meet and Greet.” Hosted by Eastern Divide Brewing in Collaboration with Blacksburg Books (Blacksburg, VA).

September 4th - Guest. “Space Anthropology with Savannah Mandel.” Platypod. (Available Online)

August 31st - Guest on KUNM Radio, Women’s Focus (Available Online)

August 20th -  Guest. “Brewing beer in microgravity and a big question about human space exploration.” Are We There Yet?, Central Florida Public Media (Available Online).

August 10th - Speaker. “Book Signing and Book Fair.” Hosted by Sweet Donkey Coffee in Collaboration with War on Books (Roanoke, VA)

July 10th - Panelist. “The Aerospace Sublime: the Intersection of Engineering, Design, and Maintenance.” Conference for the Society for the History of Technology (Hybrid, Viña del Mar, Chile)

July 2nd - Speaker. “Who you gonna call? Space debris hotline!” T-Minus Space Daily (Available Online).

April 18th - Speaker. “Fieldnotes from Spaceport America: Journeys into Outer Space through Ethnography.” National Air and Space Museum Seminar on Contemporary Science, Technology, and Culture (Join Online)



November 15th - Panelist. “Interrogating the Commons: Coloniality, Harm, and Alternative Models for Space Sustainability.” Commons in Space Virtual Conference (Available Here)

November 6th - Speaker. “Interstellar Dreams vs. Earthly Realities: Rethinking Space Exploration With Savannah Mandel.” This Anthro Life, Podcasts. (Available Here)

October 5th - Invited Speaker. “An Anthropologist in Outer Space.” The University of Kentucky in partnership with the Bolivar Art Gallery and Humanity in Deep Space (Lexington, KY)

June 13th - Invited Speaker. “How to Train for Space on Earth.” The Interstellar Radio Show. (Available Here)



November 9th - Invited Speaker. “Terraforming Mars with Savannah Mandel.” Subject Matter: Table Top, Podcasts. (Available Here)

November 9th & December 2nd - Invited Speaker. “Earthly Analogs and Arctic Peoples.” NASA History Speaker Series/ NASA Analogs Focus Group. (Watch Online Here)

November 7th - Co-Moderator. “Flash Class on Disability Studies and Outer Space.” Humanity in Deep Space. (Virtual)

September 2nd - Conference Speaker. “The Elysium Effect or How Asteroid Mining Might Divide the World into Paradise and Purgatory.” Ethnographies of Outer Space: Methodological Opportunities and Experiments. (Virtual)

June 23rd - Invited Participant. “NASA Futures Workshop.” (Washington, D.C.)

April 22nd - Conference Speaker. “On Refrigerators and Rage: Secrecy and Pacification in the Florida Restaurant Industry,” Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought Graduate Conference, 2022. (Virtual)

April 6th - Invited Speaker. “Deep Space Salon,” University of Kentucky, Lewis Honors College 2022. (Virtual)

March 16th - Invited Speaker. “Working Anthropology,” University College London and SOAS University of London, 2022. (Virtual)



August 19th - Invited Speaker. “Humanity in Deep Space: Flash Class.” Webinar, 2021, (Virtual)

February 25th - Invited Panelist. “Humanity in Deep Space.” Webinar, 2021, (Virtual)

April 9th - Panelist. “Terrestrial Environments of Outer Space.” American Association of Geography (AAG) Meeting, 2021. (Virtual)



November 7th - Invited panelist. “From STEM to STEAM.” SpaceVision, 2020. (Virtual)

February 23rd - Guest speaker at IMAX showing of “Interstellar” at the National Air and Space Museum with Ten Movies Podcast. February 23rd, 2020. (Washington, D.C.)



October 2nd & 3rd - Invited collaborator/speaker. “Space Humanity Seminar.” Pilot Event of Humanity in Deep Space Initiative. (Lexington, KY)